When we stumble, whether its our diet, our homes a wreck, our marriage is a wreck, we’ve said things out of anger we can’t take back, or just feel like life is too busy and just too much!! Our schedules overloaded and honestly, its exhausting to even think about…..

We know we need to go on a diet, but keep eating not just a cookie but the entire pack of Oreo’s!

We know we need to cuddle with our babies and read bedtime stories, but are “Just too tired tonight”, “I will tomorrow”.

We know we need to pay our husbands some attention and have all these ideas of what we will do tonight to make him feel loved, but fall asleep as soon as we get in bed.

The days, weeks, and even months go by.

We know what we need to do but are just too busy and too tired.

You think about it every day, and yet fail again. What do we do about this?


Start right where you are.

Whether its 7:30 or 9:30, take 5 minutes to stop and read one book with your child.

Whether you’ve shaved your legs or taken a shower or not, cuddle up to your man. Wrestle for one minute, just touching and laughing with one another.

Whether you’ve overeaten and feel like you may as well eat as much “crap” today as you want-“You will start Monday”. STOP!!! Start right now choosing to feel better and have more energy so you can do the things that really matter. (They usually come at the end of your day when you are almost out of fuel).

Make an action plan. Even if it doesn’t work, it will get you started and you will become encouraged. Even if tomorrow you must start again, YOU MUST START!!

Most importantly, PRAY. PRAY. PRAY.

Ask God for His help. If we could do it without Him, we would be!! He’s been waiting on you to finally ask…..

Job 8:7-And though YOU STARTED with little, you will end with much.

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