“Show them your hands”

One of my biggest adult problems has been pride. I’ve never liked to share my sins and heartaches simply because people seem to be so judgmental. At times this can make problems worsen.

There are very few people who actually pray with and for you, carrying part of your burden. Fortunately, God blessed me with a friend who is a “in the middle of the night friend” and walked me through my hurts of life – step by step- revealing all her scars in the process. This allowed me to see my need in sharing my experiences with others for theirs and my own personal healing.

Since today is Easter, I was lead to the passage in John 20:19-23. On that Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Then Jesus came and stood in the middle of them and said, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19 NIV84) As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! That reminded me of the joy I felt as my friend revealed her wounds, helping me find peace in mine. Jesus could have chosen to remove those scars when he was resurrected from the dead but didn’t, just as we cant remove ours. For the remainder of his time here, he ministered through them. Revealing them, giving God the glory!

That’s why I believe God hears and understands our pain and desires for us to share our stories, ministering through them.

He kept those scars as a lasting image of wounded humanity. In order to find peace in the midst of our pain and struggles, we must be willing to “show our hands” so that others may also find the same healing power.

We all have a past.

We all have wounds.

Bring them to Jesus today and let him make you whole in body, mind and soul; using them to reveal his strength.

Allow him to take what the devil intended to destroy your life and use it to glorify him.

It wasn’t until after Jesus revealed his scars to the disciples that he said, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” (John 20:21 NIV84) Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. (John 20:22 NIV84) God’s first breath made man different from all other forms of creation, and through the breath of Jesus imparted eternal, spiritual life. With this came the power to do God’s will on earth.

Without the scars, there would be no proof. Your scars, and your past, are your proof of a new life in him. Just as God sent his son to use his scars, he is sending you to use yours.

Have all the scars of life made you hard, bitter, unforgiving and angry?

Do you feel like someone has done something so terrible and life destructing to you that you can’t possibly forgive them?

Or maybe you were the one in the wrong and can’t forgive yourself?

The way to finding peace is through your scars and hurts…. letting Jesus shine through them, finding healing. Today is the day of resurrection. If you don’t know Jesus, allow him to breathe on you today and receive the Holy Spirit.

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