There’s only so much time in a day.
Not until I became a mom, and a working mom at that, did I really understand this statement.
Before my daughter came along I had all the time in the world to do anything I wanted. I had time for myself, my husband, my mama, my friends, my church, and worked more hours! I even at times found time to lay and read an entire book in one day! I can remember even being “bored.”
How did this one little person take up so much of my time?
Not until I realized that she wasn’t “taking it” did I understand it was something I desired and freely gave her.
I tried the balancing act of doing everything faster to get it all done, but although it looked perfect, it was sloppy on the inside.
I wanted to produce the same results as a working mom that a mom who had the privlidge of staying home. For sure this could be possible!
It wasn’t.
But what it was, was exhausting to try an meet the guidelines I’d set for myself.
During the first year of working mommy-hood, I decided to change up my routine.
If I wanted to read my own Bible, and also wanted to read hers with her, I’d have to have more time.
If I wanted snuggle time that I so often missed because I was working, I’d have to find a snuggle moment!
If I wanted a wanted a play date in the park, I’d have to DO IT TIRED!!
If I wanted some time alone with my husband-without feeling guilty for not seeing or spending any time with my daughter all day either, I’d have to have MORE TIME!!
Where would this time come from?
The only time I had that wasn’t already “full” was the morning.
Now let me admit, I LOVE MY SLEEP!!! There’s nothing better then waking up on your own, with no alarm clock, and just feeling rested. Sleep is something we need!! But I found out I could go on a little less sleep, and my body would run even better, with less irritations, if I just STARTED EARLIER!!
I refused to let my job, and everything outside my home get the “best” of me!! I wouldn’t allow my co-workers and customers at work to get all my smiles, prayers, and laughter and walk in my door frowning!
There had to be a reserve for my home.
My husband would get a bigger smile than I gave someone I didn’t really know. I would get him a refill of tea at dinner. I would TAKE THE TIME to read bedtime stories even if we didn’t get the 10-12 hours of sleep doctors say kids need.
I would start earlier in the week planning meals, so my dinner preparations wouldn’t be confusing and end up eating unhealthy or eating out.
I started earlier, taking the time to get on my knees, first thing in the morning, inviting God to do all the things I had to do that day with me….. Not for me.
Giving me the ability to do everything He’d placed before me with excellence. Not rushing like a maniac!
Especially when I was tired, which was AFTER work when I arrived to my “real job” at home!
I started taking time to pray little “right before” prayers.
Right before picking my daughter up at school…. that we’d have time to talk about her day and maybe even have time to grab an ice cream.
Right before walking in the door at home….that my family time would be filled with love and laughter.
Right before seeing my husband….that I’d show him with the expression on my face how much I’d looked forward to seeing him all day.
Right before starting dinner….that our meals would give us time to stop watching television and look and listen to one another.
Right before tucking my daughter into bed….that this time wouldn’t last forever and I must absorb every second possible, not rush through it.
Right before going to bed….that my marriage bed would be blessed with excitement and energy. Creating a passion for one another that would last for all of our lifetime together.
Starting earlier gave me the time to slow down, pray, and focus on what’s important. I was able to see clearly what God had entrusted me with for “such a time as this.”
That even though I didn’t have the time that a stay at home mom and wife had, starting earlier in prayer, and inviting God to be the instructor of my time, He would multiply my efforts and my little became a lot.
Ecclesiastes 3:1~There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Esther 4:14~You were made queen for such a time as this.